Air-ristocrat Balloon Rides and Promotions
Why Erika?
Click on the RED links to find out more on each topic
Legal Agreement
The balloon configuration is
a BB45Z envelope, a K25P
basket with door, and double
Ignis Plus burners.

Digital print masters in the
balloon world
Kubicek Balloons
Professionally written and
legally binding
This video with Erika gave
me the motivation to turn my
thoughts for a special needs
balloon in to action.
Some history of this project
Original flyer
Balloons are old school aviation (1783). Basically they are flying fabric, and sometimes that
fabric gets damaged and/or deteriorates to the point where it needs to be replaced for the
safety of the aircraft.
Purchasers have the option of free replacement of their damaged panel parts with blank
white fabric, or they can pay for a factory printed replacement at their own expense
Erika's Flight
Print Flyer
Factory Envelope
Envelope design
Printing will be on panels
4-13 inclusive
Payment by cheque is preferred however email transfer is also
$500 + gst per panel
Panel Dimensions
Phone for more info:
230/240 panels
Email for more info: